DASC has got an excellent and fully automated library which offers a varied dimension to the learning resources. The Library's aim is to provide students with a friendly, relevant and expert service, and to equip them with the information literacy skills to engage in a life time of learning. The Library's role is to support learning and research by providing focused collections, and assistance in the use of information resources, information services, and a pleasant, functional environment in which to work and study. The library conducts inter departmental competitions for the students as an Extension Activity. The Library staff is available to help students discover the wide range of printed and electronic resources. They assist you in the identification and collection of resources. The library staffs provide in depth assistance to the users. The library owns a rapidly expanding collection of 7464 volumes of books, national journals and e-journals relating to various disciplines. The library now subscribes to about 20 periodicals. The digital library collection includes a large number of DVDs, CD-ROMs. The college has a spacious and student friendly library and reading room with all the modern facilities attached to it.
Structured Library
The library has got Four main sections i.e. Circulation section, Reference section, Stack Area and Reading Room. All the materials in the library are scientifically classified and arranged in various sections as per the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) method.
Automated System
Each book is assigned a Call Number which consists of a Class Number and Book Number. Class Number is assigned to a book according to its subject matter. Faculty and students have the facility to open access to all the collections available in the library. A fully automated system keeps track of student access and use once he/she has logged on to the system. The whole library is under the surveillance of C.C. TV Cameras.
The library has a collection of around 7464 books under different titles. A good majority of the books in the library are in English. There are also books in Malayalam and English. The main areas of interest of this library are Management, Computer Science, Sociology, Social Work, Psychology, Mathematics, Economics, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Banking, Law, Literature, Journalism, Multimedia and Statistics. At any time 50 members can use the reading room. Facilities are also provided in the stack room for reference. Other facilities include Digital Library, and online search. The library users can search the library database through intranet. New arrivals are displayed on a special rack for two weeks for reference. Faculty are alerted about the new arrivals through intranet sent to their personal id. A list of newly arrived books is also given to the concerned department monthly. The users can suggest books to the library through intranet.
Library - Services
- Circulation Service
The books, back issues of journals and periodicals, CDs and DVDs are circulated among the library users. Through the open access system in the library, users can select the books of their choice and the books are issued to them at the circulation counter. Bar coding has been done to maximize the speed at the counter. The circulation includes issue, return and renewal of the materials issued.
- Current Awareness Service
The users are provided with awareness about current developments in their subject through this service. Journals and yearbooks serve this purpose.
- Internet services
Internet facility is provided to all students through Wifi and the lab. Through this service students can access e-books, e-journals.
- Reference service
A separate section for reference books is arranged in the stack area for the purpose. There are Encyclopedias and Dictionaries and other reference material in this section.
- Referral service
The Library staff directs the user to the source of information if the information is not available in the library. The library staff helps to find the right information.
- New Arrivals Awareness Service
The newly arrived books are displayed in a separate section in front of the library and also in a separate section in the stack area. A New Arrivals List are also send to the concerned department monthly.
- Orientation Service
An orientation class to the new batch of students is given at the beginning of the course. After a short description about the rules of the library, they are taken to the library and given a detailed description about the sections in the library.
- Bibliographic services
The bibliographic service denotes the acquisition, classification and arrangement in the shelves of a book in the library. This process helps the easy retrieval of material from the stack.
English Training Program: An Overview
English has become the global language and people from different walks of life realize the significance of it. The prime objective of English Training Program is to enable the students of DASC to communicate in English. The program is being conducted in an interactive manner. The students have a lot of opportunities to interact with each other and the trainer. The activities, which are planned in advance with the help of scientific research, are interesting and exciting, allowing the students to assimilate the structures and vocabulary subconsciously. The students engage themselves in different group activities like discussions and role plays supported by creative feedback.
Computer lab
Identifying the need of computer in the modern era, students of the campus are provided with practical experience in computer. The campus has two well furnished computer labs with internet facilities. Each student is provided a space in the server to keep themselves on line and fulfill academic requirements.
The NSS is a part of the Development of Youth Affairs and Sports under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. It is a voluntary organization which aims at educating the student community by arousing in them the social consciousness through community service. NSS volunteers get ample opportunities to come in touch with the community around, to channel out their energies through constructive social action, to become aware of the social problems and needs and thus develop a sense of social responsibilities and democratic leadership.
Membership is open to students of first and second year UG Programmes. Every member has to attend 120 hours of activities besides a compulsory special camping programme of 7 days duration. Students who complete the stipulated hours of service are eligible for special weightage for admission to various postgraduate degree programmes.
NSS Officer : Jessy K, Department of Malayalam.
Blood Donors Club Inauguration
NSS formed a Blood Donors Club in association with NSS on 27th July .Muhammed sir NSS co-ordinator Kannur university inaugurated the club and Rev Dr. John Mangalath, the Principal presided over the ceremony . Rev Dr Peter Ooroth, the Vice Principal, Thomas Paul Program officer, Neethu KK (Asst Pro ). NSS programme officers felicitated the function. Mr. Jyothish Joseph the Volunteer secretary expressed vote of thanks. There are around two hundred members in the donors club. A Blood Donation Camp also was conducted in association with Regional Blood Bank kannur a on the same on the same day of the clubs inauguration.
De Paul Arts & Science College, Edathotty is the only Self Financing College under Kannur University offering NCC. The NCC is a voluntary organization working under the Ministry of Defense, Government of India. It provides opportunity for military training and social service to students without imposing on them any obligation for active military service. The NCC aims to develop qualities of character, courage, comradeship, discipline, fitness, leadership, secular outlook, sprit of adventures and sportsmanship among the youth to make them better citizens. Besides these, it targets to create a human resource of organized, trained and motivated youth to provide leadership in all walks of life including the armed force and to be always available to the service of the nation. It also aims to build a reserve of potential officers so that the defence service of the country can expand in a national emergency.
It is obligatory on the part of cadet to attend weekly parades, annual camp, and a minimum of two years membership in NCC. Cadet who wishes to obtain B & C Certificates will have additional parades. Cadet obtains C certificate and university degree are eligible to appear before the Service Selection Board (SSB) for direct commission in the army, navy and air force without appearing for the UPSC Examination. Moreover, they are eligible for weightage of mark at the time of admission for higher studies.
Membership in the NCC is open to both boys and girls and the units are affiliated to 31 Kerala Battalion, Kannur and 9 Kerala (girls) Battalion, Kozhikode.
NCC Officer: Mr. Tony Jose, Department of English
Jesus Youth is an international Catholic Youth movement with a charismatic spirituality. It had its beginning in Kerala, but is now active over 25 different countries around the world. Jesus Youth is an initiative of young people themselves, who, filled with the Holy Spirit try to reach out to other young people. The strength of the movement is its special focus on a life centered on the Lord Jesus Christ: beginning with an experience of God nourished by prayer, the Word of God, the sacraments and fellowship, and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with others.
Though not an actual community, Jesus Youth is a network of small but vibrant groups of young people. In their own life situations, they strive to give time to the Lord, responding to the challenges of today’s world in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Film club screens multi-lingual and multi genre mainstream and parallel cinema and documentaries on a regular basis. It aims to educate and empower students by analyzing the medium and probing into various issues which it puts into the public domain, and to creatively employ the cinematic medium for pertinent interventions on socially relevant issues. Film club helps students to make short films, too give training in direction, script writing, to create awareness and provide training in the new trends in film making, to screen world classics and evaluate them critically and to conduct seminars, workshops, quiz competitions and film festivals.
Entrepreneurship club aims to provide a conduit by which students can access entrepreneurial resources, network with entrepreneurs, and share ideas. Students in the club will participate in the development of a business, at minimum by working on a business plan, but ideally also by being part of implementing a start-up.
De Paul peace forum is an initiative to bring about a common platform to create an awareness among the college students of peaceful co-existence with different religion, faith, language and political belongings. This forum was formed at the College to bring the youth together and provide them with opportunities and platforms to excel in various fields. The students are enabled to become efficient leaders and responsible citizens through different tranings and seminars conducted on different topics and issues. This was established in close association with Kannur peace forum founded by Rev. Dr. Scaria Kottoor. This forum gives ample opportunities to students for wider orientation in this regard based on the Gandhian principles. This was started in the year 2018.
De Paul Arts and Science College (DASC) renders convenient and unique hostel facilities for the students. The ladies’ hostel run by the Sacred Heart Sisters is just 200 meters away from the college. There is well stipulated timetable for the students which provides them with ample opportunities for study, recreation, prayer etc.