• Ensuring progressive performance of academic, non-academic, administrative and financial tasks. • Accessibility to the academic programmes to all sections of the society including poor and marginalized. • Integration of the teaching and learning with the modern platforms for learning. • Continuous and timely assessment and evaluation process for the development. • Sharing of the human resources and other resources to the betterment and the development of the society.Functions...
- Define the quality benchmarks in teaching and learning process...
- Develop the parameters for various academic ,non-academic, financial and administrative activities of the college.
- Periodical collection of feedback from teachers, students, parents, alumni reviewing the process of teaching and learning.
- Initiatives to organize workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles and mentoring.
- Timely documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality enhancement.
- In order to enhance the evaluation, quality and use of resources for the development and maintenance of institutional database through ERP and updating of the database for the ease of administration.
- Preparation and submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NAAC.